Visiting Your Local Health Care Clinic

Causes of Elbow Pain and How Physiotherapy Sessions Can Help

People use their elbows more often than they might think. From lifting items to playing sports, your elbow muscles help provide support and flexibility to your entire arm. Experiencing pain and discomfort in your elbow tissue can limit work productivity, performance on the field and even your comfort while at home. This is why it helps to understand what may be causing such pain and how you can seek timely physiotherapy treatment. Read More 

Why Would You Consider Robot Prostate Surgery?

Prostate surgery is also referred to as prostatectomy. You might require it if you have prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate. Two methods can be used during prostate surgery: a traditional method that involves the prostate surgeon cutting into you with a surgical blade and his or her hands (a highly invasive procedure) and a modern method that involves a prostrate surgeon using robotic arms (a less invasive procedure). Most of the time, you might have the opportunity to choose between the above methods. Read More