What Can You Do to Relieve That Awful Pelvic Pain?

Many women experience pelvic pain that can be very disconcerting and certainly affect their quality of life. In fact, this persistent pain can result in withdrawal from social activities, unwanted days off work and even depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. If you're suffering from this condition, you certainly want to know why it is so pervasive and what you can do. Can you turn to a healthcare provider for support?

Experiencing Persistent Pelvic Pain

It's often difficult to pinpoint the cause of this persistent pelvic pain, but it can be triggered by periods or even certain food intolerance. When the pain begins, the muscles may begin to spasm and tighten to try and protect the body. Unfortunately, this can often lead to additional pain.

The muscle pain could even trigger issues with bladder function, leading to increased urgency or frequency. Further, the nerves in that area could trigger issues elsewhere, and some women report that the body is particularly sensitive to touch around the lower abdomen. They may also suffer from dizziness and nausea.

Thankfully, there are ways to approach this problem through therapy and general care.

Muscle Relaxation

A care provider could help to relax the pelvic floor muscles through a particular therapy. These muscles may tend to tighten up and develop trigger points where the muscles are particularly tight. This form of treatment may relax them and subsequently ease the tension and pain.

Stretching Exercises

The muscles around the pelvis may also tighten. In this case, certain stretching exercises or a relaxing massage may do the trick.

Pelvic Floor Training

A trained specialist can also assess the general condition of the pelvic floor muscles. This will include an analysis of the tissues and ligaments that help strengthen the body in this area. A treatment program can include relaxation exercises focused on the pelvic floor muscles. The specialist will teach you how to perform these exercises at home so you can try to relax your muscles whenever you feel an attack coming on.

Lifestyle Changes

You may also be able to make some lifestyle changes that could be beneficial. For example, you may significantly increase the amount of daily walking as part of a tailored exercise program.

Getting the Help You Need

Don't suffer in silence but reach out to a specialist to help you move forward. They may be able to recommend other exercises that can bring relief and help you start to recover your quality of life.

To get help with this or other issues, talk to a women's health professional
